August, 2014
Puerto Rican Festival - Cleveland - 8/3/2014
Our gladeolas and roses
Now here is some Romaine lettuce that Suzanne planted and some huge potatoes from a local store, August 5, 2014
Corn is not quite as high as an elephant's eye but garden keeps growing, August 13, 2014
August 21 - Getting ready for Sue's Birthday!
August 24 - Swings & Things And Chili's

End of day
August 25 - Suzanne's Birthday - Breakfast at IHOP
Pampas Reeds we found along the highway which we will be planting around the property

See Sue's online birthday card HERE!

August 26 - For Suzanne's birthday, we went on a dinner cruise on Lake Erie on the Nautica Queen.
August 27 - Suzanne and I returned to Sweetie's Golfland and later met Sandy and Allen at Rincon Criollo Restaurant for aroz con pollo y abichuelas
August 29 - Edgewater Park: Looking for the Air Show that didn't appear
August 30 - The remarkable food at CiCi Pizza Buffet
August 31 - Celebrating Dietz' birthday at Panda Chinese Buffet

Click the videos to see it them

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