This British sleeper is a truly beautiful work of art. Steven Carter, a young high school senior has known for a long time that he is gay. He spends his after school time at a local park men's room known to be a gay pick up place. Steven's major sadness is that he cannot share the secret of his sexual orientation with anyone except his close friend Linda. Enter John Dixon, the new school jock to whom Steven is strongly attracted. He keeps this attraction to himself because he knows John to be THE school ladies man. To Steven's surprise, it turns out that John becomes attracted to him. The story is about the developing love affair between these two beautiful teens and Steven's ultimate disclosure of his homosexuality to his parents and to the entire high school. It is also about the coming of age and sexual maturity of young people every where. As such, it is a universal story. I strongly urge you to see it when it comes to your neighborhood.

Ben Silverstone   ....  Steven Carter
Brad Gorton       ....  John Dixon
Charlotte Brittain....  Linda
Stacy Hart        ....  Jessica
Kate McEnery      ....  Wendy
Patrick Nielsen   ....  Mark
Tim Harris (I)    ....  Kevin
James D. White    ....  Dave
Louise J. Taylor  ....  Christina Lindmann
James Perkins     ....  Young Steve
Nicholas Hunter   ....  Young Mark
Jacquetta May     ....  Steven's Mother
David Lumsden     ....  Steven's Father
David Elliot (V)  ....  Glen
Morgan Jones (III)....  Linda's Brother

MPAA: Rated R for language and sexual content.
Running time:110 minutes.

Scarsdale, New York

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