The Taping of the 10th Episode - October 25, 2005 |
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The Taping of the 10th Episode
Written by - Shlomoh Sherman and Tony Dadika
Tony: I'm Tony
Shlomoh: I'm Shlomoh. Hey Tony, what you got there in your hand?
Tony: I have some tickets for the Jewish holiday, ROSH HASHANNAH.
Shlomoh: And?
Tony: I'm selling them real cheap.
Shlomoh: Wait a minute. Didn't Larry David already do that?
Tony: Yeah, but he is a Jew scalping HASHANNAH tickets for this year.
These tickets are for next year. Also he only was selling them to Jews. I am
selling them to goyyim too.
Shlomoh: Interesting. So are they good for any type of temple?
Tony: Yeah. Reform. Orthodox. Mosque. Church.
Shlomoh: So you can use them in any religion's place.
Tony: Yeah.
Shlomoh: Where'd you get them?
Tony: Right off the Vatican press.
Shlomoh: Oh so the Pope's in on in too.
Tony: Yeah. I got to give him his cut.
Shlomoh: So maybe he thinks the messiah is coming next year.
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Tony: Yeah. Right. The MESHIACH.
Shlomoh: [looks at Tony] Shlomoh: Tony, we got some fan mail. Can I read some? Tony: Yeah. Go ahead.
Dear Shlomoh and Tony,
Hey T & S,
Tony and Shlomoh,
Hey Guys,
Funny ass show. Can you make more skits making
fun of Jews, gays and blacks? Tony: Well I hate to tell you but we also got some hate mail. I'll read it after we introduce a reall funny comic, Joey Barronton. Hey Joey! You're on. ----- Joey does THE ARISTOCRATS ------- Tony: Jesus! He cracks me up. Shlomoh: He's pretty good. Thanks Joey. Tony: Yeah, thanks Joey. Joey: Yeah! Fuck you two! Shlomoh: Right! Well that reminds me. You have some hate mail to read. Go ahead.
Dear Shlomoh!
Dear Tony!
Attention Tony And Shlomoh!
Dear Tony and Shlomoh!
Allah be praised!
Dear Tony and Shlomoh,
Dear Jerkoffs,
Hi Tony,
Hi Shlomoh,
Hey Guys, Shlomoh: Hey Tony. You hear about that guy that said if we abort all black babies the crime rate will go down. Tony: Yeah. But what if we abort all Jewish babies? Shlomoh: Well then, the country will dumb down. Tony: Yeah, an show business will disappear. Shlomoh: But what if we abort all Puerto Rican babies? Tony: So who will fix my cars then? But what if we abort all gay babies? Shlomoh: So who will buy all the Streisand and Judy Garland records? But what if we abort all Chinese babies? Tony: So where will the Jews have dinner Sunday night? But what if we abort all Red dot head Indian babies? Shlomoh: So who will answer the phone when I call AOL? And what will we do without 7/11s? But what if we abort all Irish babies Tony: So we will have to close all the bars and liquor shops. But what if we abort all Korean babies? Shlomoh: Who would keep the dog population down? But what if we abort all Italian babies? Tony: So what will the fishes have to eat? But what if we abort all German babies? Shlomoh: So who then can we count on to manufacture our showers and ovens? Tony: Life really sucks. |
Tony: Yeah. But they have to not have swallowed for at least 3 years before we accept them.
Shlomoh: Oh so they won't be going to Purgatory.
Tony: Nah! OK. That's it for tonight. See you next time.
Shlomoh: IM YIRTSA HASHEM [God willing] Good night Tony
Tony: Good night Shlo. Any nuns out there with big hooters? Please contact the show.
Fade out.
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let us know.
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