Saga Of The Joy-sie Boy
January 24, 2017

I'm a grad of What's atta you?!
But it didn't give me a lot to do.
I graduated magna,
are ya gonna cum along with me?
Stamp your foot, grease your hair,
whirl ya self around,
and see whose gonna care?!

Stamp your foot, grease your hair,
whirl yourself around,
and see whose gonna care?!

Rocky was a classmate,
the flying squirrel, too.
Yeah, Mr. Peabody,
And Bullwinkle, too.
Captain Peter Peachfuzz,
And Boris and Natasha,
Mr. Big, oh, too few!
From Frostbite Falls,
To Pottsylvania,
Was there anywhere, a Jew?
We saw it all on TV,
Didn't you too?
Go back on the Wayback Machine,
if you wanna too!
Watch out for Dr. Who,
If he comes along too.
I guarantee I can count
Higher than the number two!
Enough of this nonsense, practice some
Kung Fu.

The Ballad Of Donald Trump
October 4, 2019

"I'm so great that you don't know.
It's freezing in the summer, and I call it snow.
"I won't release my taxes... and more you won't know. Mexico will build my Wall, don't say it ain't so!
Oh, Vlad, Kim, and Duarte, I love 'em so.
All role models ... don't tell them to go.
If someth'in makes me money, it just can't be faux.
Con man, city slicker, I'm a real pro.
Don't try with impeachment, to bring me low.
"Fake news" causes me achy blues.
People still wannah have the right to choose.
If you ain't rich, I'll help you lose.
If it makes me money, how can you refuse!
You oughta be thankful, give me no "shouldn't does".
I'm the greatest, I tell you,
You can't, you can't ever refuse.
My brilliance's un-exceeded. The Greatest of all,
Only a liar, or a cretin, would welcome my fall.
Neath my smiles, you say, there some dishonest wiles. Stonewall all questions, deny, deny, who cares if I'm not truthful?
... Only a few?
Time the others catch on, if I'm lucky, I'll already have flew.
This is the greatest caper, a real turn of the screw

How long will the people accept my gall?
O'er the Republic's future,
Cast I a giant pall.
We cash bagged a fancy hooker, so you wouldn't know
What secrets I've hidden, scandals in tow.
Cause I'm the greatest genius eevvv-eerrr on Morning Joe.
Deny the logic sequence, deny the pesky little facts,
I'm a mountain of achievement, greatest to the max.
Deny the charges, Deny the charges,
For those who can't comprehend,
One late day, they'll learn how I fend.
Restore the nation's integrity,
And I'll have to bend.
This, has to end.

Dietz Ziechmann's current major project is his video-book entitled "Coping With Existence: Ultimacy & Intimacy".
Dietz also styles himself as a SHOFET, the Hebrew term for "judge" and is considered by many as an
un-elected Jewish communal leader. Formerly, he was Group Leader at a market research firm, editor for
various newspapers, loan broker, representative in securities & commodities, civil servant in the US government, Cleveland Orchestra promoter.
His academic background is impressive, including graduate studies in Economics and business at Harvard
University and Cleveland State University. He has an undergraduate degrees in History & Political Science,
as well as, Finance.

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